Our Lodge Went Virtual!

For months, most Masons gave the idea of an online "virtual" lodge meeting little more than the hairy eyeball. The notion of "social distancing" is about as far away from the philosophy and practice of Freemasonry as it's possible to get.

But we have been isolated from COVID-19 restrictions for too long, and with continuing Grand Lodge restrictions, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Well we did it! Our first lodge meeting to elect officers for the 2021 Masonic year was successfully conducted December 8th. Sure was good to see old faces and see new faces. 25 Brothers showed up on Zoom to make it work.

25 Chico-Leland Stanford #111 Masons showed up.

25 Chico-Leland Stanford #111 Masons showed up.

For 100 reasons we know or can imagine, as a Lodge that was formed in and for the physical world, and that thrives to stay as such for 100 more years, Chico-Leland Stanford #111 is meant to continue existing as a physical Lodge. But times as the one in which we find ourselves in, may make us think on the possibility of staying close while being away, so here’s to exploring the virtual possibilities of Lodge—while eyeing a future when we all can share fellowship and break bread together!