Lodge Meeting! Via Zoom TUESDAY 7:30pm

Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111 is holding its first virtual stated meeting.

Tuesday, December 8th at 7:30PM.


Meeting virtually is not ideal, but it will allow brothers who have moved far to see old friends. It also lets you reconnect with your lodge if you've been away for a while. No signs and no rituals until we meet in person again. This is the perfect time to get back in touch with Masonry, your brothers, and your lodge! We are here for each other. 

A Link will be sent via the Lodge Email. Click the link to RSVP for the meeting and get an email reminder. Only lodge members will be allowed to register.

This is important because we’re electing officers for 2021. Tthis will be a very unique experience for us all. Grand Lodge says this is the best we can do given the circumstances. If you have any questions you can contact me.  Likely I won’t know the answer but I can find somebody who does…hopefully.

Sid j. Crane, Secretary

Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge #111

