This page is the Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111 news blog. News posts represent stories and events from the lodge, appendent bodies, and Masonic events, themes, ideas and seasonal rites in general.
We will be welcoming to the lodge the following candidates for the First Degree in Masonry
Mr. Kenneth Carlsen
Mr. Travis Crane
Mr. Dennis Whitt Jr.
When: Tuesday, Sept. 17
Time: 6:00pm
Do you remember your first degree?
Come support these new brothers on their Masonic journey.
Contact Bro. Sid Crane, Lodge secretary (893-3171 or if you need assistance with transportation. Lodge officers and others can help get you to the degree and home again.
Light refreshment will be served after the degree ceremony.
Chico Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111
Chico-Leland Stanford Masonic Lodge No. 111 free & accepted Masons in Chico, California. Freemasonry is dedicated to esoteric & philosophical inquiry for truth.