1st Degree Ceremony: Thursday at Los Molinos Lodge
/Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge #111 welcomes two new brothers:
Mr. Lane Norvell
Mr. Gerson Cortes-Palacios
Ceremony to be hosted by Los Molinos Lodge #150
25020 Tehama Vina Rd., Los Molinos
When: Thursday, July 11th @ 7pm
Carpool from Chico lodge starting at 6:15pm.
All brothers in good standing please come out to support these gentlemen as they enter the fraternity
Do you remember your 1st degree?
Please make time to come out to support this young brother in the Masonic tradition.
Contact Bro. Sid Crane, Lodge secretary (893-3171 or 111secretary@sbcglobal.net) if you need assistance with transportation. Lodge officers and others can help get you to the degree and home again.