Donations raising awareness: Lodge and Shrine

Our lodge recently donated $150 to the Vietnam Veterans of America to bring the traveling memorial wall to Chico. 

We will let you know when it is scheduled for our area.

Chico Shrine Club made a $300.00  donation to Pleasant Valley High School for Special Education students to have shirts for Track and Field Day in May for the Special Olympics.

1st Degree Ceremony: February 27 - 7pm

When: Tuesday, February 27th @ 7:00pm

Come out to support Aaron Whitman as he knocks on the door of the porch to enter the beautiful craft of Freemasonry.

Do you remember your 1st degree?

Please make time to come out to support this new young brother on his Introduction to the craft.

We welcome all members from neighboring lodges to participate.

Brothers from Chico, Paradise, Gridley, Red Bluff and Oroville Lodges raising up our new Brother.

February 2 - Ground Hog Day, Candelmas or Imbolc? Freemasonry?

The many meanings of February 2nd, a very auspicious day!

For most Americans today represents that time when that big rodent “Punxsutawney Phil” makes for the biggest meteorological holiday of the year. Yep, its Ground Hog day with all eyes on Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania as he emerges from his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob for the 138th annual prediction. Today, Phil did not see his shadow so an early spring, well at least for some regions of the country ;)

World wide there is a deeper meaning to February 2nd, much older than the late 1800s founding of the US Groundhog Day prognostications. The extensive use of candles or tapers in the ritual of the Roman Catholic church (as well as Anglican/Episcopal church) is well known. February 2nd  is known as Candlemas Day (or Candelaia; candle mass) and thus today, there is a blessing of candles by the clergy and a distribution of them to the people, by whom they are in some churches lighted and carried in procession. Candlemas Day is also observed by Catholics as the festival of the Purification of the virgin Mary (also of renewal and hope), and hence some writers have supposed the candle bearing on that day to refer to Simeon's words (Luke 2:29-32): "a light to lighten the Gentiles."

In astronomical time it coincides with half winter in the rural cycle, when we approach the end of winter and the beginning of spring. To the delight of many, Snowdrops (galanthas nivalis) also known as Candlemas Bells because they often bloom early in the year, even before Candlemas have shown themselves in gardens. According to folklore, an angel helped these Candlemas bells to bloom and gave them as a sign of hope to Eve, who wept in despair over the cold and death that had entered the world.

This leads to a much older than Christianity tradition in Celtic culture, today is Imbloc. Imbolc celebrations took the form of a festival in honor of the pagan goddess Brigid (St. Brigid in Christianity), who was evoked in fertility blessings and oversaw poetry, crafts and prophecy. Brigid was worshipped by the Filid, a class of poets and historians among the Celts of ancient Ireland and Britain. The energy that Brigid is bringing is the one of the returning Sun. It is this energy that is honored during Imbolc bringing new energy, inspiration and creative forces. It is symbolized by St. Brigid’s crosses that look like the sun weaved from last years wheat stalks.

Its also instructive to see that in the Western world we incorporate both the ancient pagan and Christian calendars into our lives as traditions and important agricultural dates (created by Dennis Kolcek). The ancient past is always underlying the present.

The pagan calendar documents:

  • Focus is on potentials for plant growth. Based on solar movements in declination around the solstices, and thus between solstices and equinoxes.

  • Its a calendar of the surges of growth (renewal, hope, potential…)

The Christian calendar documents:

  • Focus is on the high points of solar year: solstices and equinoxes

  • Is a calendar of the directions of plant growth: ascending (growth) and descending (death)

Finally, is there any meaning in Freemasonry for February 2nd? Ahhhh, no, sorry there is not. Still, what an auspicious day February 2nd is for much of the world. Enjoy!

Happy New Year and Officer Installation

Lodge installation of officers is Saturday, January 6 starting at 10:30am.

The Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111 of Free & Accepted Masons installed officers on Jan. 8 for 2024. From left: Richard Wanacott, tiler; Dan Heal, treasurer; Ray Dunham, chaplain; Larry Willis, senior deacon; Fritz Zanker, junior stewart; Glenn Story, master; Darrel Roe, assistant secretary; Michael Gersonde, marshal; Sid Crane, secretary; Will Royal, senior stewart. Not pictured: Michael Meyer, junior deacon.

Lodge Christmas Dinner Tonight! Chateau Briand with Red Wine!

Dinner will be personally served to your table.

See you all at 6:30pm

Happy Thanksgiving! And a Masonic Connection

The Masonic Connection to Thanksgiving

(From the Grand Lodge of Ohio;

As we celebrate Thanksgiving it’s important to reflect on the history of this holiday. Two Freemasons heavily shaped the celebration that we know today. Bro. Elias Boudinot and former President and Freemason George Washington rallied together to create this holiday as a way to give thanks and prayer to our communities, families, and friends.  

The Masonic Connection

In 1621, the settlers from the Mayflower created a tradition that would last for centuries to come. This celebration was to thank God for the harvest and his many blessings. Members of the Wampanoag tribe in Plymouth, Massachusetts were also invited to the feast. This feast is what we now call Thanksgiving where we are pushed to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for.

On September 25th, 1789 Congressman and Brother Elias Boudinot of Burlington, New Jersey appeared in front of the House of Representatives with a proposition. Brother Boudinot asked that the government create a committee to persuade the President and Freemason, George Washington, to declare a national day of thanks and prayer. Without his Masonic values, Brother Boudinot may have never been inclined to rally for this national day of thanks.

In 1789, President George Washington delivered the Proclamation of 1789 that assigned November 26th as the National Holiday of Thanksgiving. This proclamation was also a symbol to our former monarchy that the colonies were a self-governing and legitimate state. Washington remarked, “both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

It goes without doubt that our national holiday of Thanksgiving would not have been established without the help of two Freemasons. Brother Elias Boudinot and President George Washington are two strong foundations of our Thanksgiving tradition. As Freemasons, we should take this time to practice gratitude for our fellow Brethren, lodges, and local communities.

Hiram Awardee: Bro. Ray Dunham, P.M.

Bro. Ray Dunham, PM (pictured with his wife Doris) was honored with the Hiram Award on Nov. 14 by the Chico-Leland Stanford Masonic Lodge No. 111. The Hiram Award is presented to a Master Mason who has served the Lodge and the Masonic Fraternity with devotion over and above the ordinary. It is the highest honor (other than being Master of the Lodge) that can be bestowed on a member of a Masonic Lodge.  Among Dunham's contributions to the lodge include his many years of volunteerism at the Chico Masonic Family Center and deep involvement in Masonic groups.

The old Masonic war trope is making the internet rounds: The Greatest Hoax of All Time

Hello Brothers,

With global conflicts heating up, the internet social media hubs and some news outlets are also heating up with disinformation and fake news pointing to a Masonic conspiracy towards wanting WWIII.

A strange fake quote attributed to Bro. Albert Pike is being shared rapidly in the last two weeks. Its time to bury this hoax.

Here is a recent response to the disinformation/fake news based on historical facts not dodgy opinions.

The Greatest Hoax Of All Time

Original posting: Authored by 'Mr. E' via

October 16, 2023

It should come as no surprise to anyone following my work when I say that both mainstream and alternative media are, to a very large extent, part of the controlled dialectic put forth by the ruling class. It helps to maintain a division of society, promulgated by useful idiots and true believers of either side’s dogma.

Malcolm X’s famous quote applies:

“The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

It behooves everyone to have a healthy skepticism of whatever they hear no matter the outlet. But even more concerning to you is when they all begin to push the same narrative. In this report you’re going to see just how much effort some are willing to exert in the maintenance of a popular scapegoat – the Freemasons.

In the days following the breakout of violence in Israel and Gaza Greg Reese, producer of the popular Reese Report, published a video outlining the contents of a letter allegedly written by Freemason Albert Pike on August 15, 1871. The very same letter was reported on in rapid succession by mainstream outlets The Daily Star, Daily Mail,, and in 2016. A South African newspaper also reported on it in 2013.

All these reports make mention that this letter “allegedly” exists, but none went so far as to even attempt to confirm this. They didn’t investigate the sources, and merely uncritically repeated something that appeared too good to be true.

The Devil in the Nineteenth Century

We must go back over 130 years to get to the bottom of this story, and it all begins in France with a man named Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès, better known as Léo Taxil. Born in 1854 he was placed in Jesuit seminary school, where he came to be disillusioned with the Catholic faith and religion in general.

Eventually becoming a writer, he targeted Christianity with scathing critiques such as The Holy Pornographers: Confession and Confessors and The Pope’s Mistresses. He even ventured into satirical pieces like The Life of Jesus, making a mockery of the immaculate conception, and The Amusing Bible. In 1884 he wrote The Secret Loves of Pope Pius IX, which is exactly what the salacious title suggests and eventually led to accusations of libel.

Also in 1884, Pope Leo XIII published an encyclical on Freemasonry where he declared:

The race of man, after its miserable fall from God … separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth … The other is the kingdom of Satan … At every period of time each has been in conflict with the other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons and of warfare, although not always with equal ardour and assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly, and this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom, if it were possible, of the blessings obtained for us through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Perhaps swayed by this polemic, Taxil announced he had converted back to Catholicism in 1885 and set to work on an entirely different literary endeavor with a new target, the Freemasons. Over the next several years he published Les Mystères de la Franc-Maçonnerie, a four-volume history of Freemasonry containing curious-but-unsourced accounts of eyewitness’s participation in strange rites. The books were sensational and Taxil even had an audience with Pope Leo XIII himself to congratulate him on all his good works exposing the dastardly plans of the Freemasons.

The best was yet to come, however, when he teamed up with Dr. Karl Hacks to write the two-volume Le Diable au XIXe Siècle, published in 1892 and 1894, telling the insider tale of one Diana Vaughan in the words of Doctor Bataille. The lurid details of her account boggle the mind. She was a member of the Palladium Rite, under the command of Albert Pike, where she was involved in ritual orgies and blood sacrifices. They would summon demons in physical form, and she was even betrothed to one of them.

Chapter 25 of the second volume is entitled “Plan of the Secret Chiefs,” and it purportedly contains the text of a plan written on August 15, 1871, by Albert Pike and the leadership of the Palladium Rite, detailing their plan for the destruction of Roman Catholicism. The description of the final coup-de-grace contains a paragraph that has gone on to be legend:

Therefore, when the autocratic Empire of Russia will become the citadel of papist adonaism, we shall unleash the revolutionary nihilists and atheists, and provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which will demonstrate clearly to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute unbelief, mother of savagery and of the bloodiest disorder. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization; and the countless disillusioned adonaites, whose deist soul have up until that time remained without a compass, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing which God is worthy of tribute, will receive the True Light, by the universal manifestation of the pure Luciferian doctrine, at last made public, an event that will arise from a reactionary movement following the destruction of atheism and adonaism, together at the same time vanquished and exterminated.

Catholics fell in love with Taxil’s work, and a Catholic journalist by the name of Abel Clarin de la Rive became friends with Taxil, believing unreservedly in his revelations about the Masonic threat the Church faced. Taxil authorized de la Rive to publish a quote by Albert Pike alleged by Diana Vaughan, Taxil’s whistleblower, in his 1894 book La Femme et l’Enfant Dans la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle:

That which we must say to the world is that we worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the Purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?

Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods; darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive.

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.

The assault upon Freemasonry drew intense criticism from their ranks, as well as from other esoteric societies. In 1896 Arthur Edward Waite, a British poet and mystic who wrote extensively on the occult, published Devil Worship in France, a comprehensive refutation of Taxil’s allegations.

By 1897 everyone was becoming impatient with Taxil, whose stories had been growing ever more radical and grotesque. They wanted to meet Diana Vaughan, in person, and Taxil eventually obliged.

The Confession

On the evening of April 19, 1897, Taxil held a press conference at the Hall of the Geographic Society in Paris. Many reporters, Catholic priests, Freemasons, monks, and other illustrious figures from around the world were in attendance. After raffling off a typewriter used by Diana Vaughan (the winner being M. Ali Kental, Editor of Ikdam, at Constantinople), Léo Taxil finally addresses his audience.

He reveals there is no Dr. Karl Hacks, there is no Dr. Bataille, there is no Diana Vaughan, there is no Palladium Rite.

“There wasn’t the least masonic plot in this story,” he says, and denies that his conversion to Catholicism was in earnest – all part of the prank, to win the Church’s trust and approbation. Diana Vaughan was a real person, but she was only his typist and collaborator in this colossal fraud designed to deeply embarrass the Catholic Church and become the crown jewel of his anti-clerical work.

Slandering Freemasons was the best way to establish the foundations of the colossal prank of which I savored all the suave happiness in advance. – Léo Taxil

After explaining in immense detail how everything he published on Freemasonry over the last 12 years was a monumental hoax, Taxil concludes his press conference saying, “You were told that Palladism would be knocked down today, better still, it is annihilated, it is no more,” and that “Palladism is now dead for good. Its father just murdered it.” The audience erupts calumniously, with Catholics hissing and screaming, a priest mounts a chair to try and maintain order, and it becomes obvious why Taxil had the attendees check their walking sticks at the door – some would certainly have beaten him to death on the spot.

They ought to have known better, though, as Taxil’s extensive use of the Baphomet throughout the entirety of his hoax was a dead giveaway that not all was as it seemed. Created several decades prior by another Frenchman, Éliphas Lévi, it was clearly stated in the book in which it first appeared that it was not a representation of a demon or the devil, but something far more complex and esoteric. Ultimately, it was Lévi’s attempt at rehabilitating the image of the extinct Knights Templar, who were massacred by the Catholic Church in the year 1312 after a campaign of blood libel, and false confessions obtained by gruesome tortures. Nevertheless, it found great use being circulated by others like Taxil and de la Rive as a demonic idol.

The shock of Taxil’s confession, the entirety of which was published in Parisian newspaper Le Frondeur on April 25, 1897, rocked the world. The same day Le Père Peinard, a weekly Parisian journal for anarchists, published a detailed recounting of the event.

Here is but a sampling of other stories published about Taxil’s infamous confession:

Taxil further elaborated on the intentions behind his grand hoax in a 1906 interview in Volume XXIV of The National Magazine:

“The public made me what I am; the arch-liar of the period, for when I first commenced to write against the Masons my object was amusement pure and simple. The crimes I laid at their door were so grotesque, so impossible, so widely exaggerated, I thought everybody would see the joke and give me credit for originating a new line of humor. But my readers wouldn’t have it so; they accepted my fables as gospel truth, and the more I lied for the purpose of showing that I lied, the more convinced became they that I was a paragon of veracity.

Then it dawned upon me that there was lots of money in being a Munchausen of the right kind, and for twelve years I gave it to them hot and strong, but never too hot. When inditing such slush as the story of the devil snake who wrote prophecies on Diana’s back with the end of his tail, I sometimes said to myself: “Hold on, you are going too far,” but I didn’t. My readers even took kindly to the yarn of the devil who, in order to marry a Mason, transformed himself into a crocodile, and, despite the masquerade, played the piano wonderfully well.

One day when lecturing at Lille, I told my audience that I had just had an apparition of Nautilus, the most daring affront on human credulity I had so far risked. But my hearers never turned a hair. “Hear ye, the doctor has seen Nautulius,” they said with admiring glances. Of course no one had a clear idea of who Nautilus was, I didn’t myself, but they assumed that he was a devil.

Ah, the jolly evenings I spent with my fellow authors hatching out new plots, new, unheard of perversions of truth and logic, each trying to outdo the other in organized mystification. I thought I would kill myself laughing at some of the things proposed, but everything went; there is no limit to human stupidity.”

Taxil would die ten months later in March 1907. In November of the same year the Sydney-based Catholic Press published an anonymous letter eulogizing Taxil as “The World’s Worst Liar,” and that he had “died despised by those who had known him and by the great world he had cheated,” while calling him a “horrible buffoon,” whose “thrilling fairy tale under the guise of fact took the Catholic world by storm.” More accurately, however, they also called his hoax “the most successful fraud of the nineteenth century,” something Taxil certainly would have taken as a compliment.

It was Taxil’s intent to exploit people’s tendency towards confirmation bias in his hoax, which had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. However, what he didn’t foresee was that the egos of his victims were so big that they would carry on pushing his fabrications as if nothing had happened. Confession or not, it had to be true.

The World in Chaos

With World War I kicking off in 1914, followed by the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, people were scrambling for a coherent explanation of why so much chaos was being sown around the world. In 1920 a book called The Cause of World Unrest emerged attempting to explain it all. It was an anonymous compilation of essays originally published in the London Morning Post in July of the same year.

In one of the essays we find Taxil’s magisterial hoax cited as truth, describing the chapter already mentioned above from Le Diable au XIXe Siècle about the written plan drawn up on August 15, 1871 by the fictitious Palladian Rite for global destruction. A familiar paragraph from the so-called plan is reproduced in The Cause:

That is why, when the autocratic Empire of Russia will have become the citadel of Papal Christianity (adonaisme papiste), we shall unchain the revolutionary Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which will demonstrate clearly to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute unbelief, mother of savagery and of the most bloody disorder. Then, everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned of Christianity, whose deist soul will up to that moment be without compass, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing where to bestow their worship, will receive the True Light, by the universal manifestation of the pure Luciferian doctrine, at last made public, a manifestation which will arise from the general movement of reaction following the destruction of Atheism and Christianity, both at the same time vanquished and exterminated.

There is no mention of Taxil’s sensational confession in the pages preceding or following the reproduction of this part of the hoax. It does say in The Cause that this quote and the document it allegedly comes from could be a hoax, but that it nevertheless is quite prophetic.

But was it really? The rising tide of revolutionary socialism in the late 19th century was surely no stranger to Taxil. Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto had been in circulation for decades prior to Taxil creating the hoax, and bloody revolution was already being openly discussed. It was only a matter of where it would first emerge, and popular locations for that had already been determined to be Russia or Germany.

The Cause would go on to be used in the 1925 book called The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, published by Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Chile. In it, the Cardinal uncritically repeats what he found in The Cause, reproducing verbatim the same paragraph from Taxil’s hoax. How a Catholic Cardinal would not know this was a fabrication is surprising seeing that he would have been nearly thirty years old at the time of Taxil’s confession and by then already an ordained priest.

Three World Wars

In 1955 retired Canadian naval officer William Guy Carr published the first edition of Pawns in the Game, which was his interpretation of the Communist New World Order conspiracy theory. In 1958 a revised and expanded edition of the book was released where he includes a discussion about Albert Pike and a plan that he made about an upcoming three world wars:

Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During world war two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did not put this policy into effect?

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East isn’t designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

It is quite amazing that Pike would discuss things like Nazis and Fascists decades before they emerged on the world stage. On the next page we find Carr attributing this to the same plan made on August 15, 1871, from Taxil’s Le Diable au XIXe Siècle – though nothing of the sort appears there.

Carr later quotes the exact same paragraph that does actually appear in Le Diable au XIXe Siècle, previously reproduced in The Cause and The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled by Cardinal Rodriguez. Carr asserts that Pike’s document is held at the British Museum Library in London, however this seems to be due to his misreading of The Cause, which stated that Taxil’s work is what was stored there, not the August 15, 1871, plan by Albert Pike that Taxil invented.

In another book Carr published in 1959 called Satan: Prince of This World, Carr again brings up the letter that he seems blithely unaware was part of a hoax. He qualifies it, however, this time with a footnote:

The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez’s knowledge should have said it WAS in 1925.

Not strange at all, the Cardinal was simply resurrecting a hoax that had been dead for decades, and Carr was less of a researcher than he deigned himself to be.

Fast forward to 2003, and an Englishman by the name of Michael Haupt registers the website He quickly publishes a page about Albert Pike containing a paraphrased version of Carr’s discussion about three world wars from Pawns in the Game. In this iteration Haupt added quotation marks to make it seem as though these were Pike’s actual words from the plan written in 1871, and not the fabrication of Carr, who Carr ultimately attributed to the fabrications of Taxil, though it doesn’t even appear there.


The Taxil hoax remains a centerpiece, knowingly or unknowingly, of the anti-Masonic diatribes you presently hear. Not just Catholics, but people of all stripes are repeating it, or inventing their own extensions of it as Carr and Haupt did. Even the mainstream media is not immune to repeating this hoax. Every time you hear the word “Luciferian,” you have Taxil to thank.

All this continues in spite of the fact that the hoax is well-known to historians and other members of academia. For instance a 1970 paper in the Journal of Church and State covers the hoax. Italian attorney and professor of sociology Massimo Introvigne has published research and delivered presentations discussing Taxil’s hoax. He devotes an entire chapter to it in his 2016 book Satanism: A Social History.

More interesting is the fact that we already have a real-life case of Masonic subterfuge in the case of the Italian Propaganda Due (P2) lodge, led by Licio Gelli. This, however, was a group of fierce anti-communists drawn from the ranks of a broad spectrum of political ideologies, who managed to collapse a mob bank that was also doing significant business with the Vatican. Their activities do not fit the New World Order conspiracy model, and so perhaps that is why they are ignored.

Why is Taxil’s hoax regaining circulation in the present day? We must ask whom that serves. Recall the quote at the beginning by Malcolm X and what you’ve observed in recent times where this hoax is being resurrected. Something is afoot, perhaps the third world war, and the misdirection campaign appears to have already begun.



The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations : and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 321, see Ch. XIX: Grand Pontiff).

So the 19th degree in Scottish Rite Masonry "aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer."

Funny how the rabid anti-Masons like to leave the first sentence out, huh?


Readers Digest condensed version of Albert Pike WWII Quote Hoax 😉

"Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars? Or, how Michael Haupt said, that William Guy Carr said, that Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile said, that The Cause of World Unrest said, that the confessed hoaxer Gabriel Jogand-Pagès aka Dr. Bataille aka Leo Taxil said about Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini in Le diable au XIXe siècle, v. II, 1892-1894, p. 605 (but actually pp. 594-606). Got it?"

Passing the Threshold: Bro. Derrell Kelch

In Memoriam Brother Derrell Kelch was called to the Celestial Lodge above on July 3, 2023.

Bro. Kelch was a 2016 Golden Veteran Award recipient.

Our brother has reached the end of his earthly toils. The brittle thread which bound him to earth has been severed and the liberated spirit has winged its flight to the unknown world. The silver cord is loosed … the spirit has returned to God who gave it.”

Feeling Rusty on Ritual? Calling all Entereds, Fellows and Master Masons

Masonic Tools Refresher Event

Due Guards, Signs, Masonic Conduct, Where to Walk, Where to Stand and so forth

  • My Brothers, has it been a while since you have been to lodge? Either for a stated meeting, degree ceremony or an officer’s practice (Which any brother can attend for the degree being practiced that night).

  • Do you need help remembering the due guards and signs, where to walk, or any of the other “Masonic” items?

Well, you are in luck as Bro. Glenn Story, PM wants to help you!

On August 29th and September 23rd, we will be holding a class to help brothers relearn or just knock off the rust of their Masonic tools. It will be a fun class from 6-7:30pm on Aug 29th and there will be some type of fellowship after, there may even be a special prize!

Bro Glenn just needs to RSVP with him. If you can’t make it August 29 then a tentative date of September 23 at like 10:00 am.

Hope to see as many brother’s there and let’s make our lodge a destination where all good men feel welcomed and attend. Don’t feel shy that you might have forgotten some things, we are here to help you!!

Email Glenn: