Chico Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111

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Special Lodge Dinner & Stated Meeting

April 10 Dinner and Stated Meeting Events

Dinner Talk "Sacred Geometry in the World"

Bro. Dean Fairbanks will be giving a graphical and colorful account of what sacred geometry is and how it comes about in the natural world and our human built environments. Dean is a professor of geography and planning at Chico State University.

Time: 7:00-7:20pm

Masonic Education Night in our STATED MEETING!

At April’s stated meeting we will host a short video, slides and a talk about aspects of the first degree in the Lodge Room. While we focus much time and energy on the third degree, it is the first degree that provides much of our values, principles and esoteric aspects that are often over-looked but require us to look again and be amazed at how many groups more than 300 years ago helped influence the development of our blue lodge degrees. This presentation will only happen in the stated meeting, where it needs to happen.