Chico Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111

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Oroville and North Butte Lodges--Come join us for Dinner!

Dear Brothers and Families of Oroville Lodge No. 103 and North Butte LodgeNo. 230,

As your Brothers at Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111 we want to extend an invitation for you all to come dine with us tonight at 6:30pm for our dinner and stated meeting.  Many of you may be in and around the Chico area, displaced from your homes, in local shelters or with friends and family.  We want to extend our hospitality and fellowship to you all during these stressful times affecting your region.

Please RSVP with the Lodge Secretary 893-6171 or email:

Check our lodge's website for tonight's menu.

In Fellowship,

Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge No. 111