Cellphone App Ready for our Lodge - Download Now!
Grand Lodge of California rolled out a pilot app that can be customized for each lodge. During March Chico-Leland Stanford #111 lodge partook in building our own smartphone app as part of this larger Grand lodge program. Some of the features we wanted addressed:
- Looking for a way to motivate engagement outside stated meetings.
- Ability to be able to share photos, messages, and social events privately with our own lodge members.
- Help us to increase attendance at events, and getting RSVPs in early.
- Make the app personalized for the exclusive use of our brothers...at no cost.
Features and benefits
• Post and comment on messages and pictures in a Facebook-like news feed.
• View calendar information for your lodge; all data is pulled in directly from our lodge website Google calendar; dates are automatically synced.
• Send notifications of events directly to members’ smartphones.
• RSVP to events straight from your smartphone.
• Collect payments for events, donations, or anything you want. (future feature linked to website)
• Browse member contact information; email and call other members with ease.
• Create smaller groups on specific topics, or send a private message a single person.
• Link to our lodge website, Trestleboard, or other important documents from the app.
• All activity is private to the members of the app only; message and post to only members on the app.
• Administrators can see reports on what is popular in your app. Brother Dean Fairbanks is the administrator of both the app and the lodge website. Questions? Contact at chicolelandstanford111@gmail.com
Use this link to install our lodge's app:
The app needs to install completely before "Device Management" and the option to trust will show up in "General" (in Settings). FYI below are the instructions for "trusting" the CA Grand Lodge, follow them completely.
Brothers can trust the CA Grand Lodge by opening Settings, then "General", then "Device Management", then trust apps from "GRAND LODGE FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Inc.". They should then be able to open the app. (The download page also contains these instructions, for reference.)